Author Archives: rclobus

Live images for Debian 12 (bookworm)


This is a continuation of previous discussions. See Documenting the generation of the live images in Debian, Porting the standard image from live-wrapper to live-build and its follow-ups and Replacing live-wrapper for live images by live-build?. Some testing was discussed here: Some Debian Live testing.

Current state

The generation of live images for bookworm and sid have been turned off, see Status of weekly live builds. Sometimes questions are raised about the live images: cdimage weekly-live-builds not regenerating and #1006122

Desired state

It would be nice to have live images for Debian for Bookworm again.


There are two major bottlenecks:

  1. Human resources
  2. The purpose/scope of live images

Human resources

As noted in the discussions, the live images cannot be maintained by a single person. It must be maintained by a group. So far nobody has really raised their hand and offered to push forward the support for live images.

I’ve dug into the archives, live-build has some painful history. However, it is a tool that is available at the moment and it is used for several other live-CDs as well.

At release-day the amount of testing live images is huge. It is a lot of manual work to verify the new images. Automating will reduce the work, but it cannot replace running on real hardware.

Two tools will help a lot. They have been added in the past years:

  1. Jenkins. Ongoing. This generates the images twice and tests whether they are reproducible.
  2. openQA. In progress. This will test many features of the live image. It simulates a computer from the moment it boots. It does not require special configuration/packages inside the image that is under test.

The purpose/scope of live images

If the live images are to be generated for Bookworm again, it needs to be discussed first what the expectations are for live images.

Some features:

  • Installer, with full off-line installation support:
    • Debian-installer, to install from the boot menu
    • Calamares installer, to install from the live environment
  • Internationalization/Localization support: choose your locale/language at boot
  • Accessibility support: speech and high-contrast modes
  • All major desktops are provided (currently Bullseye has 8)
  • Security support
  • Will work properly both on-line and off-line
  • Easy support for persistence
  • The installed software represents a workable system
  • The installed software should have as few as possible pre-configured options or special tweaks
  • The image must be generated reproducibly
  • Unofficial support for non-free firmware
  • Support for new blends like Debian Jr.
  • Maintenance should be relatively low
  • Which tool to use? live-build, live-wrapper, FAI, …
  • Hardware: at least amd64. Bullseye also has i386
  • Support several installation options:
    • Explicit support for ISO chainloading (a single UBS boot stick could hold several ISO image files), similar to rufus, YUMI, Ventoy, …
    • dd if=image.iso of=/dev/sdMyUSBStick
    • mount the ISO image, copy all files to the USB stick
  • Support BIOS and UEFI boot (secure and non-secure)
  • Other features, …
  • Documentation of the the features mentioned above

Some desired features might contradict other features.

Personally I think that the following features are out-of-scope:

  • A small installer -> use FAI instead
  • A rescue image -> other solutions exist already
  • A small image with only ‘C’ and no i18n/l10n/a18y support (but I think this might be a good addition to the list of current images)

My involvement

So far I’ve been working on:

  • Documentation improvements of live-manual
  • Reproducibility fixes for live-build (Wiki)
  • Some functionality tests in openQA (not published yet, but running in a local, private openQA instance)
  • Extracting the rebuild script from Jenkins and including a freshly-built installer (using their daily-build script)
  • Gentle prodding

Personally I’m quite hesitant to volunteer, because I don’t know how much time I’ll have in the near future. However, I’m willing to help to get things started again.

Some background (kindly provided by pabs)

A list of derivatives that use live-build:

Some other tools that can generate live images:

Note: This information is somewhat outdated.

Where are we now (2022-05-19)?

  • live-wrapper is not available in Bookworm any more (#1009282), the request for fixes or alternatives dates from 2018-09.
  • live-build can be used to generate reproducible live images.
  • FAI has been proposed to generate live images.
  • All major desktops have reproducible images (as tested by Jenkins)
  • openQA testing is active:
    • Activate all GRUB/syslinux menu entries to verify that they perform correctly
  • Other openQA tests are planned/under review:
    • Verify the correct functionality of some applications in the live environment
    • Run the Debian installer
    • Run the Calamares installer
    • Verify the installed image (both from the boot menu and the checksum)
  • I’ve reviewed only amd64. (The snapshot mirror that I use carries only amd64)
  • I propose the following testing chain, which enforces reproducibility and functionality:
A) Use Jenkins to generate an ISO image based on the latest timestamp from the archive
B) Use Jenkins to generate the image again with the same timestamp
PASS/FAIL: If checksum is identical continue, otherwise abort
C) Run openQA tests
   - Test all boot menu entries
   - The live environment should start and the main applications should work
   - The Debian installer from the boot menu should function properly
   - The Calamares installer from the live environment should function properly
   - After the installer is finished, the newly installed Debian should boot and the main applications should work
   - etc...
PASS/FAIL: If all openQA tests pass (or have softfail) continue, otherwise abort
D) Publish the image on

This means that the live images will be published after some delay. (A snapshot needs to exist and the tests also take some amount of time). However, it can be fully automated, and many trivial issues can be caught early, during daily tests.

Git-related commands


git remote add upstream….
git config –global –add “Roland Clobus”
git config –global –add “”

Protected branch (as e.g. for openQA)

git checkout debian
git pull upstream debian
# do stuff
git commit
git push upstream debian

Git-lfs and forks

After forking openqa-tests-debian, the LFS part was not cloned. Stackoverflow found a solution:

<Begin quote>

git clone <address of your fork>
  1. Cloning the fork repo for the very first time – it does not have any LFS files copied yet, so you must clone it without the LFS files (otherwise cloning would fail)
git clone <address of your fork>

  1. Synchronizing upstream -> fork (copying LFS files to your fork) – initially and each time you git fetch the upstream
git lfs fetch --all <upstream>
git lfs push --all <fork>

  1. Synchronizing fork -> upstream (only the current branch) – each time after your PR got merged
git lfs fetch <fork>
git lfs push <upstream>

<End quote>

Beautification of local history

git commit –amend –no-edit –author “Roland Clobus <>”

git commit –amend –no-edit –date “$(date)”


Branch cleanup:

git branch --merged

git branch -d merged_branch_name

Time travel

Go back in time to checkout a specific timestamp:

git checkout `git rev-list -n 1 --first-parent --before="2022-06-01 00:00Z" upstream/debian`


Steps to install and configure openQA in my own VM:

  1. Boot from a live image of GNOME unstable 2022-01-21T03:08Z
  2. Install to a harddisk with Calamares
  3. Install the Debian package openqa
    echo "deb sid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    apt-get update
    apt-get install openqa
  4. Configure openqa
    cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
    ln -s ../sites-available/openqa.conf.template openqa.conf
    # Replace #ServerName with 'ServerName localhost'
    a2enmod headers
    a2enmod proxy
    a2enmod proxy_http
    a2enmod proxy_wstunnel
    a2enmod rewrite
    a2enmod expires
    systemctl restart apache2

    Configure openqa version 2:
    -> However:
    26: cannot create /etc/apach2/vhosts.d/openqa.conf: Directory nonexistent
  5. This might have been required: /usr/share/openqa/script/initdb
  6. Configure the login procedure:
    Edit /etc/openqa/openqa.ini
    In the section [auth]: place ‘method = Fake
    Edit /etc/openqa/client.conf:
    key = 1234567890ABCDEF
    secret = 1234567890ABCDEF
    Restart the openQA webui:
    systemctl restart openqa-webui
  7. Prepare salsa
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "VM Debian-openQA"
    gedit ~/.ssh/

    -> paste in SSH Keys for Salsa
  8. Prepare the git repository:
    cd /var/lib/openqa/tests
    git clone debian
  9. Initialise the default test settings:
    apt-get install python3-jsonschema
    cd /var/lib/openqa/tests/debian
    python3 templates.fif.json --update --load
  10. Install a local openQA-worker:
    apt-get install openqa-worker
  11. Download the netinst image and run it:
    cd /var/lib/openqa/share/factory/iso
    openqa-cli api -X POST isos ISO=debian-11.2.0-amd64-netinst.iso DISTRI=debian VERSION=stable FLAVOR=netinst-iso ARCH=x86_64 BUILD=1120
  12. Issue: the tooltip with the guided tour did not disappear after being logged in:
    su geekotest
    psql openqa
    update users set feature_version=0;

GPG expiration

The expiration of my GPG keys happens on January, 1st.

In ‘Passwords and Keys’ it is easy to update the expiration date. In Preferences, add ‘hkp://’.

gpg --list-keys

gpg --send-key 50554B33905D8FB1922446FE62C57C6AA61495BD
The default is hkp://

gpg --keyserver --send-key 50554B33905D8FB1922446FE62C57C6AA61495BD

As instructed by

gpg --export | curl -T -

As instructed by

Preferences | Config Editor… | I Accept the risk

mail.openpgp.allow_external_gnupg -> true

Restart Thunderbird

Account Settings | End-to-end encryption | Use GnuPG | 50554B33905D8FB1922446FE62C57C6AA61495BD

New 2023:

Thunderbird requires the key to be uploaded here:

Debian information:

Reproducible Debian-live images

This is a description of my work in progress in making Debian-live images reproducible.

Update 2021-02-10

This page will not be updated any more. The content has moved to the Debian Wiki.

Update 2020-12-06

I’ve finished MR 216 Next up: MR 218, the reproducibility fixes.

Update 2020-11-18

Thanks for the responses so far. I’m preparing merge requests which can be applied to the repository piece-by-piece.

Detailed HOWTO

The basic script/commands:

# Running from ramdisk
# Running as root
export LIVE_BUILD=/home/roland/git/live-build
export SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=918014706
cd /dev/shm
mkdir live
cd live
mount /dev/shm -odev,exec,remount

# A very basic configuration
lb clean
lb config --apt-http-proxy http://localhost:3142
lb build

# The comparison is made with diffoscope
mv live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso /somewhere_else/live-918014706-vXX.iso
diffoscope --html-dir /softwhere_else/html /somewhere_else/live-918014706-vXX-1.iso /somewhere_else/live-918014706-vXX.iso
  • SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH must be after 1980-01-01 for the EFI images
  • SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is generated by date +%s --date 1999-02-03T04:05:06Z, which is a recognizable timestamp
  • Running from a ramdisk is an enormous speedup
  • Current focus: building the image, not the content or runnability of the image

Development machine setup

  • Debian/sid
  • apt-cacher-ng running on http://localhost:3142


  • Turn off the Internet access while building an image, to ensure that a minimum amount of network traffic is generated
  • Use a snapshot instead of Debian Stable for the image, to make it easier to compare older images -> done
  • Inside the image: use auto-apt-proxy (or squid-deb-proxy-client)
  • Does the image need the file /var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache, as it is changed between builds? It is generated by ldconfig. If the file is removed and ldconfig is executed, the contents can be regenerated and is identical even after some time.

List of files in scripts/build

With git commit:
binary_disk -> needs review for values of LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER

No change required:

Under Review:

Local modifications:
binary_grub-pc -> Not in use for the default config
binary_memtest -> Not in use for the default config --memtest memtest86+
chroot_hacks -> Remove files from the chroot

Not investigated yet:

Earlier work:

Pass along SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to the chroot: -> will be extended with the merge request

A summary of the current state of the Debian ISO images:

This blog is mentioned in the September 2020 Reproducible Builds blog:

Merge requests

The foundation:

Merge request 209 is superseded by which also contains the changes from 209.
I just noticed the comment in 209, I’ll take a look how I can avoid a lot of ‘Touch’ commands.

Using lb build I am now able to have all files and folders on the image with the timestamp.

The files that are different (their content) are: .disk/archive_trace, var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin, var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin, var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache, sha256sum.txt

Issues found


binary_syslinux: The sed -e ‘d’ commands with ‘#’ will not work, a slash is needed, fix for 7ffd2288d944840937f556bd56703ba381f4edcc (2015-01-15) and 578dbee516a370935e1b2e49205c524370e1f8d0 (2015-01-29) ->

Not reported yet

Package apt-cacher-ng: the file /etc/apt-cacher-ng/acnf.conf needs the following line to allow the file .disk/archive_trace to be filled properly:

VfilePatternEx: /project/trace/ftp-master\.debian\.org$

When preserving the timestamps for loadlin the question arises: are these install.bat files correct? The path seems incorrect to me. When running loadlin.exe on Windows10 2004, 64-bit, the 16-bit executable was rejected by Windows.

When running the installer in expert mode in Dutch on a GB-Windows 10, in text mode, I get the graphical installer, not the text installer.

2020-09-30 Using the snapshot repository

lb config --parent-mirror-bootstrap http://localhost:3142/ --parent-mirror-binary http://localhost:3142/ --security false --updates false

This needs the modified acnf.conf file (as mentioned above). The URLs need the localhost:3142 part, because debootstrap does not use the apt-http-proxy value. Security and updates have been disabled to have the minimal amount of external influences for this run.

Open point: Inside the image, the direct link to should be used

2020-09-30 Using –interactive

When using --interactive, a shell is created before the binary image is constructed

rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin
rm /var/cache/ldconfig/aux-cache


  • live/filesystem.packages does not have the correct timestamp any more.
  • root/.bash_history gets created in the squashfs image
  • Several folders get a new ‘size’
  • /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin is still in the squashfs image (probably due to the installation of mkisofs)


--interactive helps, but is not the final solution.

2020-09-30 Using chroot_hacks

chroot_hacks is the last step in the chroot structure. An additional step between binary_checksums and binary_iso might be needed to delete the files from /var/cache.

2020-10-05 Basic ‘lb build’ with snapshot is building reproducible

Success. The minimal lb build (with a local cache) results in a reproducible image.
The image contains the regular snapshot repository URL.

lb config --apt-http-proxy http://localhost:3142 --parent-mirror-bootstrap http://localhost:3142/ --parent-mirror-binary --security true --parent-mirror-chroot-security http://localhost:3142/ --parent-mirror-binary-security http:/// --updates true --apt-options "-y -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false" --distribution buster

Info from 2020-10-06

The next step: finding the date of the 10.6 live image

There are many timestamps in the live image (created by live-wrapper).

cat .disk/info
Debian Live 10.6 official: 2020-09-26T10:36
TZ="UTC" unsquashfs -lls filesystem.squashfs | sort -k 4,5
-rw-r--r-- root/root 228576 2020-09-26 09:14 squashfs-root/var/lib/apt/lists/local-mirror.cdbuilder.debian.org_debian_dists_buster_contrib_binary-amd64_Packages
-rw-r--r-- root/root 29374021 2020-09-26 09:15 squashfs-root/var/lib/apt/lists/local-mirror.cdbuilder.debian.org_debian_dists_buster_main_i18n_Translation-en
-rw-r--r-- root/root 40370452 2020-09-26 09:15 squashfs-root/var/lib/apt/lists/local-mirror.cdbuilder.debian.org_debian_dists_buster_main_source_Sources
-rw-r--r-- root/root 44651743 2020-09-26 09:15 squashfs-root/var/lib/apt/lists/local-mirror.cdbuilder.debian.org_debian_dists_buster_main_binary-amd64_Packages
-rw-r--r-- root/root 121480 2020-09-26 10:06 squashfs-root/var/lib/apt/lists/local-mirror.cdbuilder.debian.org_debian_dists_buster_InRelease
unsquashfs -mkfs-time filesystem.squashfs
root@silent:/dev/shm/x/squashfs-root/var/lib/apt/lists# grep "Date: " *
local-mirror.cdbuilder.debian.org_debian_dists_buster_InRelease:Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2020 09:54:48 UTC

It turns out that the local-mirror was slightly faster than the snapshot mirror. Kernel 4.19.0-11 got added in on 20200926T104248Z

date +%s --date 2020-09-26T10:42:48Z
lb config --apt-http-proxy http://localhost:3142 --parent-mirror-bootstrap http://localhost:3142/ --parent-mirror-binary --security true --parent-mirror-chroot-security http://localhost:3142/ --parent-mirror-binary-security --updates true --apt-options "-y -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false" --distribution buster
echo "live-task-standard" > config/package-lists/desktop.list.chroot

Diffoscope is having a hard time comparing the live-wrapper official live image and my local live image, which is generated by live-build:
diffoscope debian-live-10.6.0-amd64-standard.iso live-st02.iso --html-dir htmlout --max-diff-block-lines-saved 1000 --max-diff-input-lines 1000 --max-diff-block-lines 300 --max-page-size 1000000


The basic image is reproducible, contains some hacks. Next step: working on --debian-installer live

lb config --apt-http-proxy http://localhost:3142 --parent-mirror-bootstrap http://localhost:3142/ --parent-mirror-binary --security true --parent-mirror-chroot-security http://localhost:3142/ --parent-mirror-binary-security --updates true --apt-options "-y -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false" --distribution buster --debian-installer live

git push:

Some major differences between the official Debian Live Standard image and the lb build image:

  • udeb location: pool vs pool-udeb
  • installer location: d-i vs installer
  • /etc/machine-id in official image
  • /etc/default/console-setup: iso-8859-15 vs utf-8
  • /etc/apt/sources.list: only vs deb-src + updates + security
  • isolinux/menu.cfg: many languages vs none
  • efi vs EFI
  • _DISK vs .disk
  • No Joliet vs Joliet


/etc/shadow: The gid are ‘days since 1970-01-01’. This should be adjusted.

installer_debian-installer: I’ve found the reason why the files /dev/lock and /dev/lock-frontend got added to the squashfs image. A MR is pending.

I’m getting close to publishing the result to the mailing lists. Cleanup of some local hacks is required.


The mail is finally sent. The standard image looks as close a possible to the current official live image.

Non-reproducible: /var/lib/systemd/catalog/database.

Testing with Windows 10 1909 (in a VM): The image is called ‘Debian buster 20‘ -> 16 characters. /firmware is an empty directory. /debian does not exist, /dists only contains buster. All these issues are explained by the lack of support for RockRidge on Windows.

The image contains for regular updates, so no references to are inside the image.

The installer doesn’t work: win32-loader.ini refers to the folder install, which got renamed to d-i to match the live-wrapper image.


Many thanks to the people who have responded so far. As per request, I’ve prepared a few merge requests, which each contain an isolated feature/bugfix.

Merge Request 1:

Merge Request 2:
Bugfix for the files lock and lock-frontend

Merge Request 3:
Bugfix: Live installer can run without LB_CACHE_PACKAGES

Merge Request 4:
Reproducible framework


MR215 and 217 have been added to upstream/master. MR216 was finished 2020-12-03 and is pending a merge. Next: MR218

MR218 (reproducibility)

The following scenarios need to be investigated, each with 2 builds:

  1. Set EPOCH_SOURCE_DATE, run lb config, run lb build
  2. Run lb config, set EPOCH_SOURCE_DATE, run lb build
  3. Run lb config, run lb build

For each scenario, the effect of the timestamp must be explainable.

  1. This is the scenario for a reproducible build
    The configuration file and the ISO file use the same timestamp
  2. The LB_ISO_VOLUME variable will be fixed to the timestamp of the moment the configuration is created -> not good. The timestamp of lb build should have been used. Fixed in c23105b1e3c8d11fc8fc92bd84f0156d280fc54b
    Next issue: run lb config twice -> date: invalid date ‘@’. Instead of placing a timestamp in the config file, I would use a similar strategy as with @LB_VERSION@.

New merge requests: Bugfix: use minutes instead of month in the time of the modification date field

Myst: Masterpiece Edition on Windows 7

Steps to install and run Myst: Masterpiece Edition on Windows 7

  • Create an image with WinCDEmu
  • Install Myst
  • Install QT4 from the CD/DVD
  • It did not work correctly (initial movies played OK, black screen with howling wind, final credits work)
  • Uninstalled QT7 (the most recent version)
  • I have tried all kinds of compatibility options, at the end, I’ve used none
  • Uninstall QT7
  • Install QT4 from the CD/DVD
  • It works, but the Cyan movie sounds bad
  • Start QuickTime, Edit | Preferences | Connection Speed
  • In the dialog, drop down to Sound Out
  • Device for Playback: waveOut: Windows’ preferred device, at 48kHz, 16bit stereo
  • Now the Cyan movies sounds OK
  • The game can be played properly now

Cleanup of cruft in Debian

Cleanup of unused, left-over old configuration files

aptitude search '~c'

In aptitude: filter ~c

Cleanup of transitional packages


Find manually installed packages

Filter: !~M~i

Find non-maintained files


Find modified configuration files

dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}\n' '*' | awk 'OFS=" "{print $2,$1}' | LANG=C md5sum -c 2>/dev/null | awk -F': ' '$2 !~ /OK$/{print $1}' | sort | less

debsums -ce

Android backup

Investigation of an Android backup file:

Create a backup file:
adb backup -f `date +%Y%m%d`_backup.ab -apt -obb -all -system

Extract its contents:
dd if=~/android/20161101_backup.ab bs=1 skip=24 | zlib-flate -uncompress > x.tar

Find resource hogs (as root):
find -exec file '{}' ';' | grep "ISO Media" | awk '{ split($0, a, ":"); print a[1] }'

Android apk files are located in /data/app, they can be (temporarily) removed when there is not sufficient space for installing new apps.

Upgrading Debian on the Sheevaplug

Starting point: Sheevaplug running Debian 7.9 on an ubifs filesystem.

See the installation notes for Jessie.

Step 1: Create a backup.
I want to create the backup when the partitions to backup are not mounted.
Step 1.1: Prepare a boot environment
Get uImage and uInitrd as described on the Sheevaplug installation page:
md5sum u*
f05abb9a8cc619fff9bf2d585dc4b231 uImage
da2240f621404712a908dbc9593c3bda uInitrd

Step 1.2: Reboot into u-boot
Within u-boot:

usb start
fatload usb 0:1 0x00800000 /uImage
fatload usb 0:1 0x01100000 /uInitrd
setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8 base-installer/initramfs-tools/driver-policy=most
bootm 0x00800000 0x01100000

Run the installer, for locale “C”. Use the manual network configuration. Pick a suitable Debian mirror. Give usernames and passwords. When the partition disks appears, go to ‘Go Back’
** mount -t ubifs rootfs /x does not work.
** Mount the usb to /x: mkdir /x;mount -t /dev/sda1 /x
** dd if=/dev/mtd2ro of=/x/mtd2ro
Copy the file to the PC and verify whether it can be read (based on UBIFS documentation:

modprobe nandsim first_id_byte=0x20 second_id_byte=0xaa third_id_byte=0x00 fourth_id_byte=0x15 overridesize=12
modprobe ubi mtd=0
ubidetach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 0
ubiformat /dev/mtd0 -f mtd2ro
ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 0
mkdir x
mount -t ubifs ubi0 x

During @apt-get upgrade@, the disk was full.
mount –bind /y/usr/usr /usr
mount –bind /y/lib/lib /lib
Then remove /lib with @rm -fr /lib@
ARGS! All command depend on /lib… Restore it with:
/y/lib/lib/ –library-path /y/lib/lib:/y/lib/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi /bin/mkdir /lib
/y/lib/lib/ –library-path /y/lib/lib:/y/lib/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi /bin/cp /y/lib/lib/ /lib
/y/lib/lib/ –library-path /y/lib/lib:/y/lib/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi /bin/cp /y/lib/lib/arm-linux-gnueabi /lib/ -ax

Accessing ubifs from within the Sheevaplug

mkdir /xx
cd /xx
ar x linux-image-3.2.0-4-ixp4xx_3.2.78-1_armel.deb
xzcat data.tar.xz | tar x

ar x linux-image-4.13.0-1-marvell_4.13.13-1_armel.deb
xzcat data.tar.xz | tar x
depmod -b /xx
modprobe -d /xx ubi

mkdir mtd-utils
cd mtd-utils/
ar x ../mtd-utils_1.5.1-1_armel.deb
xzcat data.tar.xz | tar x

modprobe -d /xx ubifs

-> fails: UBIFS error (pid 3918): cannot initialize compressor zlib, error -2


ar x linux-image-3.16.0-4-ixp4xx_3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u4_armel.deb
xzcat data.tar.xz > data.tar
mkdir data
cd data

8 tar xf ../data.tar ./lib/modules/3.16.0-4-ixp4xx/kernel/fs/ubifs/ubifs.ko
10 tar xf ../data.tar ./lib/modules/3.16.0-4-ixp4xx/kernel/drivers/mtd/ubi/ubi.ko
12 modprobe ./lib/modules/3.16.0-4-ixp4xx/kernel/fs/ubifs/ubifs.ko
13 modprobe ./lib/modules/3.16.0-4-ixp4xx/kernel/drivers/mtd/ubi/ubi.ko

mkdir mtd-utils
cd mtd-utils/
ar x ../mtd-utils_1.5.1-1_armel.deb
xzcat data.tar.xz > data.tar
cd usr/sbin
./ubiattach -m 2
mount -t ubifs ubi0 /y

Restoring a backup:
./ubidetach -m 2
./ubiformat /dev/mtd2 -f /media/mtd2ro
./ubiattach -m 2
dmesg | tail -20
mount -t ubifs ubi0 /y
ls /y

Sheevaplug and power loss

After a power loss, the Sheevaplug did not start up any more.
After some fiddling, I got it to work (ubifs needed to be mounted)
I attempted to upgrade U-Boot.
I wasn’t prepared to do a lot of migrating and attempted to downgrade and flashed U-Boot with garbage.

With Debian 6 I was able to run openocd and reflash U-Boot, as described here:

This will reflash the plug with a new U-Boot called uboot.bin (this is the .bin file and not ELF and the name must be uboot.bin).

> cd
> openocd -f /usr/local/lib/openocd/board/sheevaplug.cfg -c init -c sheevaplug_reflash_uboot -c exit

Wait 1.5 minutes.

It needs to be an older version of Debian, because the newest version rejects the JTAG part of the USB connection.